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Skip Appropriation and Start Donating

Inspired by the current fashion trends, Dress Less Homeless wants to bring awareness to how the fashion industry is using the working class and the homeless as inspiration for their latest collection. However, how many of them give back? Dress Less Homeless wants to provoke a conversation by raising awareness to this issue and hopefully, more people will want to give back to their own communities.

About Us



By connecting with homeless youth charity, Centrepoint, you can help prevent or support young people who are on the verge of being homeless.


Whether it be cash donations or simply visiting our exhibition, there are many options for how you can help.


To read more on the topic of homeless appropriation and see more where we are in our project progress, visit our blog. We make weekly update talking about homeless inspiration in fashion, exploitation of real homeless people and how we are using this research to inform our sculpture project.



Dress Less Homeless is creating a sculpture as a part of a social experiment.

We will also be organising an exhibition in due time.

To learn a little bit more about our future projects, click below.

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